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The Attraction of an Engagement Ring!

After dating your Dream person for quite some time, you may decide to either get married or stay together as a couple, or if you are facing any relationship concerns you may also wish to stay apart. So at this time, you may wish to buy diamond engagement rings to propose your partner. Also, you may come across the feeling of being lonely each time when you partner abide you good bye, and this may also inspire you to get together.

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Because of the loneliness that is felt every time when your partner says bye, different types of feelings and pressures are set in as they could also be a need to make the love official for entire world as it’s time to start a new life of being a family. What so ever motivates you, finally making up your first step about important commitment that you could ever make in life but the symbol that you need to provide while taking the step is of great importance - “Engagement rings”

Now, purchasing sapphire engagement rings has now become a symbol of status quo for identifying yourself as the one who is ready for marriage. The renowned engagement ring of modern age had their starting as late as 19th century and was also not always the symbol of undying affection, this was much or less the initial part payment of bride price to get paid to the bride's family which is finally handed over and worn by bride.

The true symbol and the true meaning of wearing the gold engagement rings started shining all through in 20th century, when the men gave a band or a ring to their fiancées that actually symbolized your intentions and love for your wedding union, an engagement or ring signified which had been taken, from the limits and ready to get married to your true love and the ring gets placed on fourth finger of left hand, as this finger is believed to have a vein that is running through and which has come directly from your heart hence symbolizing the finger known as "heart finger". Earlier the engagement or wedding rings could be just a piece of silver or even a diamond band without any kind of adornment, which a woman inserts in her 4th finger on left hand, it was a practice for the short time till the commercial rings took over the entire scene of engagement.